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Posted on April 15th 2015
March Maths Month Highlights
- Harris Crystal Palace has successfully defended our title in the Federation Rubiks Cube Challenge after strong competition from Harris Beckenham. Congratulations to Ms Tucker and the team consisting of Arbri Alia, Salman Moosvi, Jiya Patel, Hamaad Pijvi, Cheuk-Ting Chan, Joel Oboh and Jherrel Dryden-Brown.
- In the Pi Memorisation Contest, Denis (8CB) came 3rd with 70 digits, Steven (8SS) came 2nd with 85 digits and the winner was Yusef (10AP) with a fantastic 101 digits of Pi. All students were also given the opportunity to experience themed lessons on circles and sample the vast array of Pi food in the restaurant on Pi Day.
- In the Chess Knight's Tour Competition, there were some excellent efforts, with Aswin (10SS) and Jonny (10TP) being the runners-up with all 64 squares, but the winner was Oliver (10SP) who also visited all 64 squares but did so in just 65 seconds!
- In the UKMT Junior Team Challenge, Ms Kashif led a team of 4 students to 20th out of 40 schools in the South London finals. We beat all other Harris Academies that competed and were also one of the top-ranked non-selective schools in the challenge. Well done to Michael England, Jasmine Clarke-Terrelonge, Charlie Fletcher and Anoushka Saha for representing the Academy and doing us proud.
- The popular Daily Maths Puzzle created 16 student winners and 14 staff winners of Easter Egg prizes.
- In the Numeracy Treasure Hunt, Aasiyah (7SP) was 3rd, Hammaad (7TP) was 2nd, the winner was Selima from 7SP who won an iPod Shuffle.