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Newly elected student council members inducted in today! Congratulations to all the students who put themselves forward and to those who were elected. We look forward to seeing what you do!


Year 11 Week 1 11 attendance week 1 - attendance team giving out Y11 rewards


Brilliant day preparing for our performance welcoming guests to The Princess of Wales’ annual carol service ‘Together at Christmas’ 🎄 are so proud of our students representing at such a prestigious event. Thank you 💐


“Keep working hard and opportunities will come!” 🗣️ Kinetic graduate Khiani Shombe, who signed a professional contract with Southampton back in July, came and spoke to our boys before our match at Southampton’s training ground. Khiani spoke about his football journey so far,…


Are you interested in a career in accounting or finance? Check out this amazing opportunity at the Deloitte Apprenticeship Insight Evening!


⁠The beautiful sounds of 's steel pans will be greeting guests as they queue outside the venue...


The Yr10 football team get their league campaign underway with a 1-1 draw against Thomas More this evening.Both the U13 and U16 boys table tennis teams are also crowned and will go forward to next week’s south London finals. Well done all 🏓 ⚽️


Well done to Year 11 for a great set of mocks! Celebrating today with a cookie at break with Millie's cookies.


Congratulations to all the students who won awards this week for best attainment or rising star. Over 150 awards have been handed out and it’s always wonderful to celebrate our students.


Apprenticeship talk for parents and carers on Wednesday 20th November . Please go to our website to register.


U18 girls have started their defence in the National College Cup with a win in over time against West London College. They have also gone on to win their first 2 games in the league. Well done! Can’t wait to see more games!


Enrichment clubs were in full swing last week!


Congratulations to our Year 8 basketball team for their victorious win against the Whitgift School.


Year 11 Holiday Intervention starts on Monday 21st October. Students have been given bespoke timetables. We look forward to seeing you then!


We would to wish everyone a safe half term holiday. We will see you back at school on Monday 4th November. If a student needs any support, they can contact the school during the holidays using the email.


We had our Black History Month concert this week! What a wonderful way to showcase the talent in our school: steel pans, bands, pianists, rap & more! Congratulations to all the students who performed. Thank you to our head girl & boy for hosting.


We had the wonderful Absnt Minds band come in to perform to our Year 9 and discuss mental health and body image. The students thoroughly enjoyed it. Thank you for organising.


Thank you to Dr Anne-Marie Angelo who came in this week as part of our Black History Month celebrations from the University of Sussex to speak to Y12 and Y13 History and Politics students about the Black Power movement.


What an incredible display of talent this evening for the annual Black History Month concert! 🙌🏾🙌🏿🙌🏽🙌🏼🙌🏾🙌🏿🙌🏽🙌🏼


Harris Federation launches it's powerful Apprenticeship Programme. For more details about our inspirational sessions goto

Harris Academies
All Academies in our Federation aim to transform the lives of the students they serve by bringing about rapid improvement in examination results, personal development and aspiration.

Central Office


















All students in the Academy are assessed regularly, in lessons, through marking and with a formal assessment taking place twice a year.

The assessment model at Harris Academy Crystal Palace is designed to provide a rigorous and effective way to determine students’ progress.

The aims of our assessment model are:

  • To develop the key knowledge and skills required for success in each subject at each Key Stage.
  • Embed principles of preparing and sitting formal assessments in preparation for public examinations.
  • Provide feedback that allows all students to improve.
  • Provide termly summative assessment to support this ongoing formative feedback.
  • Provide information to inform curriculum planning.
  • Be simple and easy to understand – for staff, parents/carers and students.
  • Use consistent principles across subjects with the flexibility to be suitable for all subjects.

The assessment periods are outlined below for the 2024-25 Academic Year. This will be when your son/daughter will be expected to complete summative assessments in each of their subjects. Following each of these assessment periods we will standardise the assessments and student assessment reports will be issued to parents.

Year group Assessment window 1 Assessment window 2
7 13th – 23rd January 12th – 22nd May
8 2nd - 12th December 2nd – 12th June
9 13th – 23rd January 12th – 22nd May
10 2nd - 12th December 16th – 26th June

What is the process of each assessment?

Before the assessments, students will be given information and revision materials to help them prepare thoroughly. This information will also be sent out to parents and be added to our website. During the assessment window, assessments will be completed in normal lesson time for each subject. Each department will then ensure that each assessment is marked accurately, with standardisation taking place inside department areas. For English, Maths, Science, MFL, History and Geography students’ marks are also compared to results in other Harris Academies to determine grade levels.

Following each assessment, teachers will provide feedback that will highlight strengths and areas to improve. Students will be given time to reflect on their work and respond to this feedback to help drive progress. Individual subject areas will also look at the assessment data to review the progress of the cohort and plan to address any areas of need through the curriculum or additional intervention.

What information will parents receive?

The Academy reports the assessment of student performance and progress to parents/carers twice a year in writing following formally moderated examinations/tests. One of these profiles will also include written comments from teachers regarding areas of progress and future development.

An example of the performance profile that parents will receive can be shown below.


The performance profile comprises of the following information:

  1. Attendance and Punctuality: There is a positive correlation between high attendance and high attainment. The Academy target is that each student has attendance of 97% or higher.
  2. Baseline: This is the average sub level attained by the student based on their end of primary school data. This is used as the basis by the DfE to calculate average expected progress for each pupil.
  3. Target: This is the Academy target for the student in each subject. The expectation is that all students at the Academy will make better than average expected progress.
  4. Behaviour Points: Students receive points for their behaviour in lessons and within our Academy community.  
  5. Subject Assessment Most Likely Grade (AMLG): This is the grade the student received in the assessment, extrapolated to an end of Key Stage 4 grade based on the Harris Federation standardisation process.
  6. Attitude to learning grade: Each student will receive a grade based on the quality of their work in lessons and displaying the five core values of the Academy. The four levels are:
    1. Outstanding
    2. Good
    3. Requires Improvement
    4. Inadequate

In addition, there is an Academic Tutoring Day each year and an annual Parents’ Subject Consultation Evening. These events present further opportunities for parents/carers to find out how their son/daughter is doing and discuss their progress with teaching staff.

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