Enrichment Clubs
Enrichment is incredible strong at Harris City Academy Crystal Palace, with 78% of students taking part in enrichment clubs and activities, and with over 250 sporting fixtures each year.
Download our latest enrichment timetable.
See our upcoming sporting fixtures.
Enrichment is part of our personal development curriculum. It helps students gain knowledge and skills outside of the classroom and gives them a wider variety of skills and cultural capital to use as they become active citizens in society.
The sporting and debating opportunities, in particular, help build team co-operation and resilience.
The Academy offers over 46 enrichment clubs, not including academic intervention/enrichment. There are therefore over 1,000 enrichment places on offer, enabling all students to take part in at least one enrichment activity a week.
How to sign up for clubs
To book your son/daughter onto an enrichment club please log onto our booking system by clicking on https://hcacp.schoolcloud.co.uk/ and, when prompted, enter your unique log in code.
Spaces are allocated on a first come first served basis. All clubs have a maximum capacity with excess students put on a waiting list. We hope you make the most of this fantastic enrichment offer at the Academy.
If you have any questions regarding enrichment, please contact enrichment@harriscrystalpalace.org.uk.