Examination Policies
Harris Crystal Palace hosts examinations for candidates in Year 11 under the 14376 Centre number and for Sixth Form students under the 14390 Centre number. Please find below all the HCACP Policies covering examinations as well as all the updated JCQ guidance for candidates.
Previous candidates can pick up examination certificates by contacting the Exams officer via the info@harriscrystalpalace.org.uk or directly via GClarke@harriscrystalpalace.org.uk
Questions or concerns
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the examinations, please contact our Exams Officer Ms Clark GClarke@harriscrystalpalace.org.uk
If you have any questions or concerns regarding Year 11 mocks or examinations, please contact our Head of Year 11, Ms Mills MillsC@harriscrystalpalace.org.uk
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the Sixth Form assessments or examinations, please contact our Head of Year 13, Ms Gatty GattyJ@harriscrystalpalace.org.uk or our Director of Sixth Form Ms Adewale AdewaleF@harriscrystalpalace.org.uk