About Our Sixth Form
The Harris City Academy Crystal Palace Sixth Form offers co-educational high quality teaching in a positive learning environment in which all students are encouraged to strive for academic excellence.
Our curriculum offers a broad range of academic courses as well as some applied general and technical level courses. All are delivered by subject specialists with a focus on developing the skills of collaborative and independent learning.
We are part of the Harris Central Sixth Form, which is made up of ten campuses with almost 2,000 students, making us one of the largest Sixth Forms in London. One benefit of our size is that we are able to provide a wealth of opportunities for our students that simply cannot be found elsewhere.
View our official school data for our 16-19 provision. Download a summary document (pdf) about our Sixth Form.
The needs of any SEND students will be met and any disadvantaged or vulnerable students will be supported throughout their time at HCACP. There are bursaries which provide financial assistance for vulnerable students, as well as a discretionary bursary which is available to students from households with incomes below a certain threshold.
Mrs Bond, Faculty Director/Assistant Principal
Ms Gatty, Head of Year 13
Dr Chapman, Head of Year 12
Ms Russell, Attendance and Welfare Officer, Sixth Form