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Congratulations to our Year 7 boys' athletic team! A fantastic achievement!


Year 12 students completed their training as Antibullying Ambassadors through the Diana Award this week and are ready to take over from the fabulous job the Year 13 team have been doing.


Congratulations to our new Year 10 prefects on their induction this week!


Happy International Women’s Day 💫 At Kinetic Foundation, we’re proud to recognise and empower our Kinetic Girls every single day 💛🖤 We’re also proud to be fully inclusive regardless of gender, ability, financial situation or ethnicity and can offer young people an education…


Congratulations to our HCACP community for all their contributions to the food bank.


We had the fantastic lead interactive sessions today providing knowledge, fostering social awareness & decision making skills around underage drinking. It was incredibly engaging; teachers & students were captivated from start to finish


Last Friday was Jamaica Day! We celebrated with patois quiz in the morning and information about the day. We had jerk wings for lunch and staff celebrated with our Jamaican teachers in the afternoon with Jamaican treats.


Congratulations to everyone who donated to HCACP food bank! A worth cause!


Last month we celebrated Chinese New Year and the year of the snake with interactive workshops, quizzes, and a performance.


Happy World Book Day! Teachers dressed up to celebrate some of our favourite books. The English team also organised a variety of activities, from poetry competitions, to 'Frankenstein' treasure hunt, to memory lane book wall... plus much more.


Here are our fantastic 2025 £1/€1.50 authors and illustrators wishing you all a very Happy World Book Day!


A superb last couple of week for the table tennis teams. With qualifiers for the team National semi finals and London individual and national finals!!🏓🏆🥇


After being crowned London Simmonds cup champions. The Yr7 athletics team put in an outstanding performance to be crowned South London Sportshall athletics champions and qualify for the finals next month. 🥇🏆


Congratulations to the U14 boys were crowned Croydon schools Basketball cup winners earlier this week.


Congratulations to the U16 boys basketball team who were victorious in last nights Croydon Cup semi final.


One of our proudest moments — watching these talented young people shine at for 's Together at Christmas carol service! A huge well done to the incredible students of 👏⁠ ⁠ 📸 Barney Curran⁠


Congratulations to the U14 boys basketball team on their semi final win in the Croydon cup. Onto The final in a couple of weeks! 🤞🏾🏀


We wish everyone in our community a happy and safe holiday. Should any student need us for any support, they can contact us using our email.


Yesterday, we wore Christmas jumpers for charity, the canteen put on Christmas lunch and the steel pans regaled us with tunes at lunch to celebrate the penultimate day of the term.


The basketball teams see out the term strong with the U19 and U16 boys and girls teams picking up wins in the school’s competition this week

Harris Academies
All Academies in our Federation aim to transform the lives of the students they serve by bringing about rapid improvement in examination results, personal development and aspiration.

Central Office

















Student Welfare

The Student Support Centre (SSC) which forms part of the Student Services Faculty provides the central provision for student welfare within the Academy.

  • The person responsible for medical needs is Billie Evans 
  • The Academy Counsellor is Michael McCallum

Reporting a student absence

To report your child's absence, please email the Student Support Centre (SSC) at the address below.  Please include your child's name, tutor group, the reason for their absence and the anticipated date of their return.

For example, email something such as: "Please could you excuse Joe Bloggs in 8AP from school today as he has been feeling sick all morning. I suspect he will feel better tomorrow and will be attending school unless otherwise stated. Mrs Bloggs (Joe's mother) Mobile: 07877 877 8787."

Attendance and punctuality

The Academy's attendance target is 97%. Regular attendance and punctuality to the Academy and to lessons is essential for all of our students to make good progress, achieve their academic potential and consequently have better chances in life. Attendance is a key performance indicator within the Academy. It is the responsibility of everyone in the Academy community to ensure they achieve this. The Academy monitors the attendance and punctuality of all students and reviews and publishes it internally weekly.

  • 98% attendance = fewer than 4 days absent from school
  • 95% attendance = fewer than 10 days absent from school
  • 90% attendance = 4 weeks absent from school
  • 85% attendance = 5 ½ weeks absent from school
  • 80% attendance = 7 ½ weeks absent from school (Equivalent to one day per week absence for the whole year).

A child who misses a day of school per week throughout Years 1-11 misses an equivalent of over two years of their learning time in school.


An overview of our unform and required equipment can be found HERE

Our full Uniform Policy can be found HERE


Harris City Academy Crystal Palace employs state of the art security technology, in closed-circuit television, which is sited both internally and externally as well as intruder detection systems and access control on its external entrances. The use of CCTV complies with current legislation as does notification signage and labelling. A copy of the Academy's CCTV Policy is available on request.

The Academy also has a modern and comprehensive fire detection system. Access to the main Academy buildings for staff, students and visitors is carefully monitored by the reception team and everyone on site is required to be identifiable at all times so that items such as face coverings (e.g. motorcycle visors, full face goggles or veils) which obscure clarity of identification of an individual must be removed for the duration of a person’s time on site.

Identification badges and lanyards are issued to visitors and photo ID cards are also worn by all staff and 6th Form students. The remainder of students in the Academy are identifiable by their Academy uniform and Faculty ties.

Medical Needs

Harris City Academy Crystal Palace is an inclusive community that aims to support students with medical conditions.  Student medication is stored in the Student Support Centre (SSC).  This department is overseen by Ms Cusick, with Ms Evans being the Medical Needs Officer, responsible for the administration of medicines. Should you have any queries about the medical needs of your child then please email or alternatively call on 0208 771 2261 and press option 1. It is your responsibility to ensure that the medical needs of your child are clearly communicated to the school so we in turn can care for them appropriately. The medical needs policy and allergy awareness policy that the school adheres to are attached below for your convenience. In addition, all forms that you may need to complete and return are attached in the Medical Forms Folder:

  • Form 1 (see below) to be completed by all parents/carers
  • Form 5 (see below) to be completed if your child requires medication to be stored at the academy (consent to administer medication)
  • Students with Asthma (form to be completed if your child has Asthma)
  • Students who require the use of an Auto Injector (Jext) to be completed, please note a photo is not required
  • Students who require the use of an Auto Injector (Epi Pen) to be completed, please note a photo is not required
  • Students who require the use of an Auto injector (Emerade) to be completed, please note a photo is not required
  • Students who have allergies but do not require an Autoinjector (No Auto Injector required) to be completedplease note a photo is not required
  • If your child has any dietary needs (Special Diet Procedure form to be completed), please note a photo is not required

Please note that it is at the discretion of the Principal to refuse your child’s attendance if we do not have life saving medication on site.

Page Downloads

Title Date  
Special Diet Procedure 2019 31st Jan 2020 Download
Students who have allergies but do NOT require an Auto Injector 31st Jan 2020 Download
Students who use a Emerade Auto Injector 31st Jan 2020 Download
Students who use a Epi Pen Auto Injector 31st Jan 2020 Download
Students who use a Jext Auto Injector 31st Jan 2020 Download
Students with Asthma 31st Jan 2020 Download
FORM 1 Medical Information Form 31st Jan 2020 Download
FORM 5 Parental Agreement for Academy to Administer Medicine 31st Jan 2020 Download

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