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Congratulations to our Year 7 boys' athletic team! A fantastic achievement!


Year 12 students completed their training as Antibullying Ambassadors through the Diana Award this week and are ready to take over from the fabulous job the Year 13 team have been doing.


Congratulations to our new Year 10 prefects on their induction this week!


Happy International Women’s Day 💫 At Kinetic Foundation, we’re proud to recognise and empower our Kinetic Girls every single day 💛🖤 We’re also proud to be fully inclusive regardless of gender, ability, financial situation or ethnicity and can offer young people an education…


Congratulations to our HCACP community for all their contributions to the food bank.


We had the fantastic lead interactive sessions today providing knowledge, fostering social awareness & decision making skills around underage drinking. It was incredibly engaging; teachers & students were captivated from start to finish


Last Friday was Jamaica Day! We celebrated with patois quiz in the morning and information about the day. We had jerk wings for lunch and staff celebrated with our Jamaican teachers in the afternoon with Jamaican treats.


Congratulations to everyone who donated to HCACP food bank! A worth cause!


Last month we celebrated Chinese New Year and the year of the snake with interactive workshops, quizzes, and a performance.


Happy World Book Day! Teachers dressed up to celebrate some of our favourite books. The English team also organised a variety of activities, from poetry competitions, to 'Frankenstein' treasure hunt, to memory lane book wall... plus much more.


Here are our fantastic 2025 £1/€1.50 authors and illustrators wishing you all a very Happy World Book Day!


A superb last couple of week for the table tennis teams. With qualifiers for the team National semi finals and London individual and national finals!!🏓🏆🥇


After being crowned London Simmonds cup champions. The Yr7 athletics team put in an outstanding performance to be crowned South London Sportshall athletics champions and qualify for the finals next month. 🥇🏆


Congratulations to the U14 boys were crowned Croydon schools Basketball cup winners earlier this week.


Congratulations to the U16 boys basketball team who were victorious in last nights Croydon Cup semi final.


One of our proudest moments — watching these talented young people shine at for 's Together at Christmas carol service! A huge well done to the incredible students of 👏⁠ ⁠ 📸 Barney Curran⁠


Congratulations to the U14 boys basketball team on their semi final win in the Croydon cup. Onto The final in a couple of weeks! 🤞🏾🏀


We wish everyone in our community a happy and safe holiday. Should any student need us for any support, they can contact us using our email.


Yesterday, we wore Christmas jumpers for charity, the canteen put on Christmas lunch and the steel pans regaled us with tunes at lunch to celebrate the penultimate day of the term.


The basketball teams see out the term strong with the U19 and U16 boys and girls teams picking up wins in the school’s competition this week

Harris Academies
All Academies in our Federation aim to transform the lives of the students they serve by bringing about rapid improvement in examination results, personal development and aspiration.

Central Office

















Academy Admissions

Applications for places will be made in accordance with Local Authority admission arrangements and will be online via the eAdmissions website administered by the Local Authority. The Academy will work to the common admissions timetable agreed by Croydon Local Authority.

The Harris City Academy Crystal Palace supplementary information form can be found on our website, (see below). The form must be completed if you require a concession (for example EAL, SEN, Medical Need or your child requires an interpreter).  The form will then need to be returned directly to us at Harris City Academy Crystal Palace, along with medical or professional evidence and proof of residence by 31st October 2024. Completion of a supplementary information form for Harris City Academy Crystal Palace does not constitute an application to the Academy. You must complete the Local Authority Common Application Form as well.  If your child does not have a concession as listed above, you are not required to submit a Supplementary Information form.

The Harris City Academy Crystal Palace will admit 180 students each year.

Download a pdf of our prospectus

Admissions consultation

The Governing Body are consulting on admissions arrangements for students applying for places for the academic year beginning in September 2026. The consultation will run over 6 weeks from Friday 20th December 2024 to Friday 31st January 2025. 

The full draft admission arrangements for 2026/2027 can be found by clicking on the downloadable link below.

Your questions  

We are happy to answer any questions you may have, please contact the Admissions Officer at: 

Your views 

We would welcome your views on our consultation.  Please ensure you respond to our consultation by Friday 31st January 2025, which is when our consultation period closes. 

You can respond

  • in writing: correspondence should be sent to the Admissions Officer, Harris City Academy Crystal Palace, Maberley Road, London, SE19 2JH

Next steps 

After our consultation, we will consider all the responses and discuss these with our Governing Body. 

Open Evening

Details of our Open Evening in 2025 will be added to the site once they are announced.

Due to the high number of visitors expected, a Traffic Management Order will be in place with road closures and a one way system between 4.30pm and 8.30pm in the surrounding area.  The Harris City Academy Crystal Palace car park will be closed to visitors. 

Please only walk to the Academy or use the ‘park and ride’ system which we have provided to and from Canada Gate Car Park in Crystal Palace Park.  It will transport visitors to and from Harris City Academy Crystal Palace at frequent intervals between 4.30pm and 7.15pm.  From 7.30pm until 8.15pm the shuttle buses will still be in operation but only to take visitors back to the car park at Crystal Palace.

We hope by visitors following this it will relieve congestion in the area significantly.

Year 6 testing days, December 2024

Our Year 6 primary school testing sessions will be held on Friday 13th December 2024

Your child will be allocated a fixed test session. Parents need to ensure that their child is available to attend the allocated Fixed Test Session. There will be no other opportunity to sit the test if you are late or miss the allocated session. We receive over 2000 applications each year and due to this very large number we will be unable to swap your allocated test session (details of which will be sent to all applicants in early December 2024).

We are announcing our testing day sessions at this early point in the year to enable parents to ensure that their child is available to attend their allocated test session.

If you have applied to any other Harris academies you will only need to sit the test at Harris City Academy Crystal Palace.

Parking: Please note that parking in the roads near the Academy will be impossible because of the very large number of visitors so please help us by walking, using public transportation or using the roads a little further away. Please allow a lot of extra time to drop your child off to sit the tests; if your child is late to the tests they will not be able to enter the exam room. Our car park will be closed to visitors.

The application process

All applications for places need to be made via your Local Authority at the latest by the 31st October 2024.

The Harris City Academy Crystal Palace Year 7 admissions supplementary information form can be found on our website and will need to be returned directly to us at Harris City Academy Crystal Palace along with proof of residence by 31st October 2024. Please only complete this form if you require a concession (for example SEN/Medical Need or your child requires an interpreter).

NB completion of a supplementary information form for Harris City Academy does not constitute an application to the Academy.  You must also apply online via the eAdmissions website administered by the Local Authority as well, and list us as one of the choices.

The Local Authority will then inform us of everyone that has put us as a choice on the common application form and from that list our Academy admissions officer will be sending out letters the first week of December 2024, inviting your child to sit the test during the week commencing 9th December 2024.

Key dates

These are the admissions process key dates for the 2024-2025 academic year.

Monday 2nd September 2024
Pan-London online application process starts

Early September 2024
Prospectus, additional information booklet and supplementary form available to download from our website

Thursday 12th September 2024 
Open Evening - (No booking is required for open evening)

Friday 18th October 2024
Local authority’s recommended closing date (Friday before half term)

Thursday 31st October 2024 
Final closing date for receipt of all applications (paper and online). Also deadline for supplementary forms along with evidence to be considered for extra time for the test, to be sent to Harris City Academy Crystal Palace.

Early December 2024
A confirmation letter will be sent to families inviting children to the testing day to sit the non-verbal reasoning test and Harris City Academy Crystal Palace aptitude test.

Friday 13th December 2024 and Monday 16th December 2024 Year 6 testing. Applicants will be allocated a fixed test session. Please Note: the allocated test date and time cannot be changed due to large numbers of applications that we receive every year.

Friday 14th March 2025
Parent/carers must accept or decline the offer of a place. Parents who applied online can accept/decline their offer online.

Monday 31st March 2025
Deadline for appeals to be made. Parents have a legal right to appeal at any time and no appeal can be refused.  Parents are given a date by which to appeal if they wish to have a place for September.  If they don't appeal by 31st March (with appeals to be heard during April and May) their appeal can still be heard later whenever it can be fitted in.  It just means if they haven't sent their papers back by 31st March there is no guarantee their appeal will be heard in the April/May round of hearings, so they may not know which school their child is going to attend in September until after the term starts.

Our “simple” guide to our admissions process for Year 7

This is not part of the admissions arrangements but is an explanation of how they operate to help parents to understand it. Please read our full admissions policy on our website (downloadable below).

  1. Parents should apply online via the eAdmissions website administered by the Local Authority and name this Academy as one of their preferences.
  2. If you require a concession (for example EAL, DSEN or Medical Needs or your child requires an interpreter), you must complete a supplementary information form to help us to arrange tests as set out below. Please return the form along with medical or professional evidence and a proof of residence.
  3. The tests are taken on fixed days in December and if you have applied to any other Harris academies you will only need to sit the test at Harris City Academy Crystal Palace.
  4. We have two tests. One is a non-verbal reasoning test, which will allow us to allocate the child to an ability band; and the other tests aptitude for technology subjects.
  5. If a child doesn’t sit the tests or applies late he/she will not be considered for a place unless there are spare places after all children who applied on time and sat the test have been offered places (exceptions are made for Looked After Children only). In that situation, the priority order below will apply to determine to whom the place should be offered.
  6. We have 180 places and these are allocated as follows:
    1. 10% (ie 18) of the places are allocated to the children who score most highly on the technology aptitude tests; if we have more than one child tying for the 18th place we determine who gets the place by a random allocation draw;
    2. The remaining places are then allocated to ability bands mirroring the national distribution of abilities – there are nine bands, 1 is high and 9 is low and as with the distribution of abilities nationally there are many more places in the middle bands than in the bands at the top and bottom of the ability range.
    3. The priority to determine who gets a place, which is applied within each band, taking each individually, is in the order as below:
      1. Any children with Educational Health and Care Plans which name the Academy; then
      2. Looked after and previously looked after children; then
      3. Those who have older brothers or sisters who will still be in Year 11 or below when the child joins the school in September; then
      4. Children of staff who have been employed by the Academy for two years or more or who were recruited to fill a shortage subject;
      5. Then of the remaining places, 90% are allocated to the area up to 2 miles from the academy Zone A (all applicants within the two mile zone are considered to be as close to the Academy as one another) and
      6. 10% are allocated to the area outside two miles Zone B (all applicants outside of the two mile zone are considered to be as close to the Academy as one another)
      7. If there are no applicants from a zone left and still spare places then places would be allocated to the applicants from the other zone who are in that ability band.  If a band had spare places and all applicants in that band had been offered places then offers would be made to children in the immediate bands above and below.
      8. We do not give priority to students enroled at a particular primary school.


  1. The offers of places will be made by the Local Authority in the first few days of March. Parents not offered a place for their child are told of that decision at the same time and will not hear directly from the Academy.
  2. Any parents of applicants not offered a place have a right to appeal that decision.  You can find information on how to do that below.
  3. We will operate a waiting list up until 31st December after the September of admission.  If a vacancy occurs we fill it with a child waiting who is in the same band as the child who has left – using the criteria and methods set out in para 6 above. BUT we have to reorder the list if anyone asks to join it and can only use that criteria.  We are not allowed to give preference to those who have been on the waiting list longest.

The appeal procedure for Harris City Academy Crystal Palace

Parent(s) wishing to appeal against the Academy’s decision should complete an Appeal Form stating the reason for the appeal based on the published Admissions Criteria.

If you wish to appeal for a place at the Academy for your child, you will need to request in writing for an appeal pack, and all forms must be completed and submitted to the Academy by 31st March 2025 at 4pm.

Completed forms should be sent to the Clerk to the Appeal Panel, at Harris City Academy Crystal Palace, Maberley Road, London, SE19 2JH. Please Note: The Academy does not provide help with appeals.

The appeals will be heard in private by an Independent Appeal Panel. The Clerk to the Appeal Panel will make an appointment within a reasonable time; the dates have been booked to be during 12th May to Friday 16th May 2025.

Appeals may be made in English or the parents’/carers’ first language.

Only one appeal per application is allowed.

Appeals are conducted in person, and you may bring a friend.

Appeals must be made by 31st March 2025.

School Admission Appeals Timetable 2025

Appeals resulting from applications which are turned down for admission in September 2025 will be heard according to the following secondary admissions timetable:

  • Secondary online outcomes published during the evening: 3rd March 2025
  • Appeals lodged by 31st March 2025 at 4pm
  • Appeals for Harris Academies will be heard in two stages.

The dates for the appeal hearings for Harris City Academy Crystal Palace have been provisional booked to be during 12th May to Friday 16th May 2025.

Appeals lodged after these dates will be heard within 40 days of the appeal deadline or 30 school days of being lodged, whichever is the later date.

Appellants will be sent notification of their appeal hearing at least 10 clear school days in advance of the hearing.

Appellants will be sent a copy of the school's case at least seven clear working days in advance of the hearing.

Additional supporting information

If an appellant wishes to submit further evidence, which was not included with their initial appeal, they should ensure this is received at least seven clear working days (not counting the day of postage or the hearing) in advance of your appeal.

Only a short document, such as a doctor’s letter not previously available, will be accepted up to five clear working days prior to the hearing. Any additional evidence or information received after this deadline will not be circulated and may not be considered at the hearing.



In-year admissions

In-year applications need to be made directly to the Academy by completing an in-year application form, which can be downloaded below. This needs to be returned to the Academy in order for the process to commence for your child to be put on our in-year waiting list until the end of current academic year. The Academy is receiving and deciding in-year applications from 1st September each year.

Admission Arrangements for Intake Year 2024-2025

The Arrangements for 2024-2025 can be found below.


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