Year 11 Parents' Evening - Thursday 13th March 2025
Dear Parent/Carer
We are delighted that on Thursday 13th March we are able to invite you to our second Year 11 Parents’ Evening between 4.45pm and 7.30pm at the Academy.
The purpose of the evening is to enable you to meet teachers and to get feedback on your child’s progress since the Autumn Term. This will include the results of the recent Year 11 assessments and will also be a great opportunity to discuss how you can help them prepare for their GCSE exams in the summer,
Appointment booking system
The Academy has an easy-to-use online appointment booking system. This allows you to choose your own appointment times with teachers and you will receive an email confirming your appointments. Appointments can be made from Thursday 30th January.
Please visit to book your appointments. To login you will need your unique login code. If you do not have access to the internet, please contact the school office who will be happy to arrange alternative provision for your appointments.
- Click HERE to download the staff list for the Year 11 Parents' Evening
- Click HERE to download a map showing where staff can be found on the evening
If for any reason you do not see a member of staff during the evening, you can leave your name and contact details in reception to request a progress update via telephone or email during the coming week.
We are also keen to elicit parental views about the Academy, so before or during the evening please complete this parent survey here. It should only take 3-5 minutes and helps us to gain an overview of parent views so that we can continue to work together for your child's education.
We hope you find the evening a positive experience, and please do not forget that you are welcome at any time to arrange appointments with your child's tutor or subject staff, via the website link or contacting reception.
Assistant Principal